Proseal Spray Foam Vs Fiberglass Batts

The attic is more than just a place to store old photo albums, dusty boxes, and unwanted items. It’s a crucial element of your home and is designed to keep the indoor temperature stable, reducing energy costs in winter and summer, while prolonging the lifespan of your heating and cooling systems.

Proper attic insulation prevents air leakage and helps maintain consistent temperatures throughout the house, preventing your living spaces from becoming too warm or cold. It also blocks outdoor pollutants like radon, dirt, and mold from entering the living areas of your home, which can negatively impact sleep and productivity.

How Proseal Spray Foam Prevents Heat Loss in Your Attic

There are several different types of attic insulation, including fiberglass batts, blown-in cellulose, and spray foam, and each has its own pros and cons. To make the best decision for your home, you must first understand what each insulation material does and doesn’t do.

Fiberglass batt insulation is the most common type of attic insulation. It’s composed of tiny glass fibers that were once part of recycled sand and glass. Its lightweight and flame-resistant properties make it an environmentally friendly option. However, it doesn’t mix well with moisture and can take a long time to dry.

Blown-in cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper or plant-based materials, and it’s treated with fire retardants. This type of insulation can be sprayed or blown into attics and is effective at filling gaps and cracks. It’s also a natural choice for attics that have obstructions, such as ductwork or electrical wiring. This type of insulation can be a little more expensive than fiberglass batts, but it’s much more durable and does better at retaining heat.

Proseal Spray Foam
825 W Main St, Hortonville, WI 54944
(715) 467-7165

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